How is Brand registration taking place in Dubai?
Let us see the meaning of TRADEMARK
A word “Trademark” is simply it means name, phrase, symbol or device, slogan or combination of these helps to identify and distinguish a specific product among others in market place or trade.
For every business or any other service committed person owns their valuable assets, so this can also be represented as Trademark. Simply brand registration in Dubai flows through the legal proceedings to avoid the misuse and imitation. The term trademark is often used interchangeably to identify a trademark or service mark.
Have you seen this symbols ®, TM, and SM?
Basically this business or services companies uses their informal and formal brand registration also the service mark .Symbol “TM” is usually used to indicate an unregistered trademark. It is an informal notification that there is a public claim as a trademark. An “SM” represents an unregistered service mark. It is also an informal notification that there is a public claim as a service mark. The ® (“R-in-a-circle”) is type of warning notice to inform the people that the mark is registered and their use provides legal benefits. This notice can be used only with registered marks. Use of a ® with any unregistered trademark may be noticed as fraudulence.
Difference between Trade Name and Trademark?
In order to identify a company or any business also that serves as the name of the company or business is used by TRADENAME. Trademark or service mark helps for the identification for the sources of the company or business sells or provides. A trade name can also be function as trademark or service mark depending upon the circumstances in which it is used. If a trade name is used as more than the company name and informing the customers that a product or service have their sources where it is being used as a trademark or service mark.
Is there any Trademark for an individual?
A Trademark can also be owned by an individual. Every company and these individuals can have trademark. Thus the trade license will have the name of the individual who got registered.
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